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A Christmas Memory

Grandmother Peg gave me the wink which meant, “Come with me, 
I’ve got a secret to share.”
I abandoned the snowball I was about to pummel my cousin with,
followed her inside and up the stairs to the attic.
She placed her finger over her mouth and whispered, “Wanna peek?”
This was my favorite part of Christmas,
when we found the hiding place for the presents,
which she knew already, of course,
and each chose one wrapped gift with our name on it,
then oh, so gingerly - not like the cookies, mind you -
peeled away the scotch tape so no one would notice.


We peeked, squealed, laughed,
then went downstairs for tea.

Mary Anne Anderson's work has appeared in many publications like VIVACE, Equitude, Solo Novo and The Monterey Bay Plentitude of Poets. She belongs to the Cambria Writers Workshop, and is also a member of Maui Live Poets Society.

© 2022 The Flying Dodo

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